Monday, April 23, 2007

The Beat Goes On

This weekend was a busy one but I was refreshed on a lot of tasks I haven't done in a while. On Saturday we did whats called AWT or Army Warrior Training. This is something every solder needs to know and understand. I took all day and I was very tired after all of the classes and carrying all of my stuff. As you see in the picture I am simulating a head injury. I know, I know, you all knew I had one all ready but, that one can't be fixed. All in all it was a useful day of hands on and knowledge.

On Sunday, I took my PT (Physical Training for you non-Army types) Test and passed with flying colors. I was the best I have done in a long time. We get to take another one in 2 weeks so I will Keep training and getting better. I am down to 205lb now and that is amazing with all of the food they have us eat. It seams like I eat all of the time but, I am more active and caring more "stuff" everywhere.

Its time for me to sign out and let you all get on with your own lives. Remember, if you want to contact me directly, just e-mail me at

Talk to you all later,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, head injury, huh? Must have been quite a haircut. haha