Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The FOB Days

I'm back!!!!!

It was a long 10 days but I made it through it. The training was good but the food wasn't. When we first started, we were in a classroom for a day learning what we would be doing out there. Then we moved out to the FOB. As you see in the picture, this is where I slept while we were out there. We went through a class on IED (improvised explosive device) training first. How to spot them and call them in. Then off to search and transport of an ECP (enemy combatant prisoner). We got to learn an class pressure points and how to handel them. It was quite a workout because we trained on each other. Next was the GAC (ground assualt course) and convoy training. I was the assistant convoy commander for the 4 days of training. My management skills came in handy in this area because for the snap decisions that have to be made if we come apon something in the convoy. It was hot and sweaty but, it was good training. Yesterday we did CQC (close quarters combat) techiques. We had to live fire on recognition targets and how to clear a room. It was very "In the moment" exciting but I hope to not ever use it. Then today we had our combatives class. It teaches us how to fight hand to hand and defend ourselves. Another good workout. Right now I am sitting with a icy-hot back wrap on to loosen my lower back up because I used parts of my body I didn't know I had.

Well, that was my last 10 days in a nutshell. If you look below, I added more pictures of my training that I thought were cool. Now my "Army" training is complete for now. I get tomorrow off as a "Reset"day and then back to aircraft maintaince and learning what I will do in country.

It's been great hearing from everybody, either by e-mail or by phone. I'm glad people think about me from time to time. Keep it coming and I will keep responding as soon as I can. Take it easy and I will talk to all of you later.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

miss you hey dan check your first pic comments i putt one there too i like your pics and a happy late birthday i didnt have your brog til 5th of june so yea! i like your pics and hope you will keep sending them ttyl

love and miss you,
~~~ lizzie~~~