Sunday, July 27, 2008
Home At Last!!!!!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Just A Quickie
Monday, July 7, 2008
The End Is Soon.....
I hope that everyone had a great Fourth of July weekend and is ready to get back to work. I had a good week this week because our replacements are here!!!! Our battalion has been getting them up to speed on what we do and how we got the job done. The days have been going by much quicker with them here that is for sure. Also on the fourth the camp fired off the Phalynx guns that shoot down mortars all at the same time. It was awesome to see the tracers shooting through the sky. I took some video of it and so did a lot of other people. I will have to post the video when I get to faster Internet in the states so all of you can see how cool it was.
Also this week I got to go to the pool and work on my tan for when I get home to Sarah. For once I think that my tan will be darker than hers but I wont bet any money on it. The pool is very refreshing on 120 degree days and there isn't any shade in site. Our platoon also got matching t-shirts that say LSA Anaconda on them and we had numbers put on the back so that when we get home we will all wear them to a party together. Show our team unity so to speak.
I am so excited to get home. I have dreams about home almost every night now. I dream about Sarah and being with her and sitting in my home. I dream about wearing civilian clothes and going to a real store and getting real milk and food that I like. Just a little bit longer and all of my dreams will come true and I can't wait.
I may not be able to post next week because of all of the stuff we have to do to get out of here so if I don't talk to you before then, have a great week and I see you in the United States!!!!!