Sunday, July 27, 2008
Home At Last!!!!!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Just A Quickie
Monday, July 7, 2008
The End Is Soon.....
I hope that everyone had a great Fourth of July weekend and is ready to get back to work. I had a good week this week because our replacements are here!!!! Our battalion has been getting them up to speed on what we do and how we got the job done. The days have been going by much quicker with them here that is for sure. Also on the fourth the camp fired off the Phalynx guns that shoot down mortars all at the same time. It was awesome to see the tracers shooting through the sky. I took some video of it and so did a lot of other people. I will have to post the video when I get to faster Internet in the states so all of you can see how cool it was.
Also this week I got to go to the pool and work on my tan for when I get home to Sarah. For once I think that my tan will be darker than hers but I wont bet any money on it. The pool is very refreshing on 120 degree days and there isn't any shade in site. Our platoon also got matching t-shirts that say LSA Anaconda on them and we had numbers put on the back so that when we get home we will all wear them to a party together. Show our team unity so to speak.
I am so excited to get home. I have dreams about home almost every night now. I dream about Sarah and being with her and sitting in my home. I dream about wearing civilian clothes and going to a real store and getting real milk and food that I like. Just a little bit longer and all of my dreams will come true and I can't wait.
I may not be able to post next week because of all of the stuff we have to do to get out of here so if I don't talk to you before then, have a great week and I see you in the United States!!!!!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
One Week Closer
Monday, June 23, 2008
Almost There
Good Day Everyone,
I hope that everyone had a good weekend. I know that my days are getting better each day that goes by because it is one step closer to being home. This past week we started to really started packing and getting ready for the next group that is coming in. They are already in Kuwait and I can't wait to see there smiling faces when they get here. I think about when I got here a year ago and what must be going through there heads as they get ready to come here. I have to say that I have changed a lot from that day to now. I am almost ready to turn a page in my life and begin a new one when I get home. Over the year I have learned a lot about myself and who I am. That's one thing I have here is time to reflect on myself and wonder what the future holds for me. I know one thing, I can't wait to be home with my wife, family, and friends that have supported me throughout this entire deployment and say thank you to them for being there for me.
Also this week I got to go to the pool again and do a little swimming. It was 115 out and it pool felt soooooooo good. I have also talked to Sarah a lot this week about the car she is buying. I want to say thank you for your votes and I know that Sarah is using your input in her choice. Personally, I like the Corolla but I am biased because I have one already and I do like it. This is Sarah's car so it is totally up to her on which one she gets. The Battalion also completed the painting of the side of our hanger with our patches as you see in the picture above. That way is our way of saying we were here to all of the other units that will pass through here. Other than that, it has been work as usual around here. We will have our company and battalion cookouts this week before we get out of here. I am looking forward to them because I do love a good cookout.
Everyone take care and have a good week and I'll talk to you all later.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Happy Fathers Day!
This week has been a slow one because we are so close to the end of the deployment. People start thinking of home and doing things with their family and friends and I'm no exception. I am looking forward to my party that will be on the 16th of August and hanging with all of my family and friends. Sarah is putting a lot of hard work into setting it all up and having the house ready for everyone. Sarah and I talk all of the time about what I want to do when I get home and I tell her that I am looking forward to just being with her and having a steak on the grill. That's my idea of a good time. I just can't wait to be home.
I have also been helping Sarah pick out our new car this week. This will be Sarah's car to drive to and from to work and shopping (She does love shopping, as do I). She has cut the field down to about 4 choices and now we debate about the different features and gas mileage that each one gets. She is looking at a Corolla, Rouge, Accord, and an Altima. All of them good choices so she can't go wrong with any of them. I have my poll to the right for your input on these 4 choices to help her along. She is planning on doing some more test driving when she goes up to the cabin next week in Brainerd so the sooner you vote, the sooner she will get the input from you.
That's it for this week. I do want to say a special Happy Fathers Day to my Dad. I hope that your day was a good one and I can't wait to golf with you when I get home. I love you Dad. Take care everyone and I'll see you in the funny pages.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Just Another Week In The Big Cat Box
This week has been very hot and sandy here in Iraq (Like you didn't know where I have been). The only good part is that I am on night shift, and it is much cooler here at night. It has been around 110 to 115 everyday this week and we have had sand storms 5 of the days. I think I have half of the desert in my lungs......COUGH, COUGH!! One nice thing is that one more week has gone by and only 5 left till I am on my way home. It is so exciting to be thinking about all of the things that Sarah and I will be doing when I get home like........working on finishing my basement, getting Sarah's new car, and going to Vegas to celerbrate our 12th anniversary. It is so close I can almost taste the ice cold beer right now.....mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
As far as anything else interesting, there isn't much. I do want to say a hardy HOOWAH to my wife's cousin serving in Korea right now. He has been there 2 months now and has 10 more to go. I am so proud of him for making this life decision and serving our country in this time of need. I hope he doesn't have to come here where I am but, if he does I know he will have the support of all of you just like I have had for the past year. Matt.........I am very proud to call you my brother-in-arms.
That's it for now. Thank you for stopping by and sitting a spell. I look forward to talking to you all again real soon.
Monday, June 2, 2008
It's June Already??
WOW!!! What a week. I have been so busy at work that the week just flew by. I had an extra duty of watching the MWR phone center, work in general, and getting ready to move into a new room tomorrow. Thats right, I said move to a new room. It means that we are one step closer to coming home. We have to clear our rooms so that when the new group gets here, they have the same place to stay. It's a pain in the butt, but I have no problem doing it. I am getting so excited to be one more step closer to home.
Durring my time at the phone center I was able to chat with Sarah for a long time and get some plans together for my return. After I get back from school, I have set up a crew to complete the basement of our house. I am so excited to finally get it done and I know that Sarah feels the same way. (Although I've given her a lot of tasks to do and I'm not sure she's so excited about that part.) I also have a friend that does landscaping and he is going to help to get the yard into great shape. Because I dont have to be back to work right away, this is the perfict time to get it all done. I can't wait!!!!
Sorry so short this week. I'll make it up to you all next week when I get settled into my new room. Take care and I will talk to you all later.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Happy Memorial Day
Today is a time to reflect and think about all of the men and women that have served and given their lives for our country. When I was younger, I just looked at it as another day off from school, or an excuse to go to the lake, but it is much more than that. Being in the military and now having my experiences here in Iraq, this day means so much more to me. I see kids around base everyday that work outside the wire and brave the real war and I shake their hand and thank them for what they are doing. I have seen the medical helicopters flying over to the hospital and you know that only means one thing. You see, Memorial Day is more than a federal holiday, it is a day we thank the men and women of our military past, present, and futures for keeping us safe and keeping our country free. I salute all who have came before me and all that will follow me. Thank You!!!
Now on to my week.
Our Battalion held a luau on Friday in honor of Pan-Asian American Month. As you might know, we are a combined Battalion from Minnesota, Washington, and Hawaii. All of our Hawaiians participated and ran the whole show. There was a roast pig, burgers, hot dogs, chicken, coconut wiped pudding, and other Hawaiian foods for our dinning pleasure. There was also 2 bands that played during the event. One was a Hawaiian band playing softer music and Hawaiian music to put us in the tropical mood. The other was a rock cover band that sounded good and played a lot of classic rock (which i find out includes Guns 'n Roses and Nirvana......UGGG) and a couple of their own tunes. The whole day was wonderful!! I swam and jumped off the high dive, played water volleyball and catch with a football. For the afternoon we all forgot about the outside world and just enjoyed the tropical atmosphere (it was 110 out.....HOT!)
Well, that will do it for now. I may be losing my internet here next week so I may not be able to update on Monday. I will try to find a computer somewhere to be able to upload my pictures or it just might be a text version......we will see. Take care everyone and I'll talk to you later.
If you want to learn more about the history of Memorial Day, visit
Monday, May 19, 2008
One Week Closer
It's another week closer to going home and I'm starting to get ready for it. I started to sell my stuff and send some stuff home. You don't know how much crap you collect till you have to move. I am finding food and snacks everywhere like we are going to lose our chow hall and not have any food to live on. I have brought 4 bags of food and snacks back to the hanger to share with everyone there. That way it doesn't get wasted and if I still want some of it I know where it is. I also have found a pound of dust and sand on things that we haven't moved all year.....GROSS!!! I can't wait to get home and just have normal dust to deal with.
It is nice to start thinking about home but we still have a job here to do. The picture above is of a sunrise a couple of days ago between sand storms. I was able to get a jet taking off in the picture on the left side. We have had so many sand storms over the past 2 weeks it was nice to get a break for a little bit so we didn't have to breath sand. Other than the sand, not much else has happened since my birthday. Oh, I almost forgot......I did cook out on Friday night with a few people. We hung out and had some burgers and chicken on the grill. It’s just a little taste of home that we can have here. I do love a good cook out.
Just to let you all know, if you plan on sending anything here be sure to do it before June 15th or else it might not get here. I have loved getting all of the care packages and letters from all of you. Now after I go home be sure to find another soldier that will enjoy a care package while they are here. A great website is to find some soldiers that want some pen pals.
Take care all and have a wonderful week and I'll talk to you later
Monday, May 12, 2008
Today Is My Birthday........36 And Still Going!!!
If you didn't already know, today is my birthday. The big 36!! Just means that I'm one day closer to being home and one year older. I have received some great packages for my birthday so far. The latest one was from my wife’s office team at Cargill Treasury. I am wearing some of the items in the picture above. It also has some super balls in it (That we have lost in the hanger already) and a ton if treats and party favors (Thanks for test driving the nut rolls for me Norma and making sure they were safe for consumption). I do love celebrating my birthday and I wish I was back at home doing it right. Cake, candles, and my wife standing there......looking at me and saying those three little words..........YOU ARE OLD.
I also want to say Happy Mother’s Day to all of the moms out there reading this. The thing with my birthday being on May 12th is that it falls on mother’s day about every 7 years. When I was younger, my Mom and I would celebrate both of our birthdays and mother’s day together. She got it good because she would get 2 gifts compared to my one. As I got older I would just give her one gift and say it was for both days, kinda like what happens to Christmas babies. You see, today is my birthday and my Mom's would have been tomorrow. She would have turned 72 this year if she was still with us. Happy Mother’s Day and Happy Birthday Mom, I love and miss you.
Now I’m getting all emotional, time to liven up this BLOG.
It has been a very busy week for me here. I was able to fly 6.5 hours this week in one of the helicopters I was working on. I do have to say, that I like flying around and seeing around the base. We do test patterns in circles around the base, so I took lots of pictures to show people where I have been living the past year from an birds eye point of view. Also I have been making plans on coming home in July. I started selling my stuff here so it doesn’t wait till the last minute and also sending home stuff so I don’t have to carry it all when we leave here. The days are going by faster because I have been busy so July will be here before we know it. What will all of you do without my BLOG every week? I know, you could call me at home and we could have dinner or something and I can tell you how my week was then, or something like that. We will have to cross that bridge when I get home. Till then, continue to visit my BLOG and I thank you for your continued support of me and my fellow soldiers here with me.
It's poker night also tonight. We are celebrating my friend’s birthday and mine tonight and we are going to take pictures and I will be sure to post them when we are done. His birthday was last Monday and he is 2 years older......hehehe....HE IS OLD!!!
So long for now and have a good week. I will talk to you all next week.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Up, Up And Away
Now everyone go and crack open a crevesa, put a lime in it and sit down to enjoy this little posting I do every week. On a day like today I do miss going to the parade in St Paul and hanging out with Rory and Peggy. Hitting the beer gardens and watching the live music was oh so fun. Instead, some people here are having a cookout down at the hanger and drinking fake beer. I just can't do it to myself on such a great drinking holiday that I have adopted. Plus it is poker night and that takes precedence. For everyone else I hope you can go out tonight and have a Corona for me and don’t forget the lime......Cheers!!
This week was a busy one for me at work. There is this problem child aircraft that has the oddest issues and I was assigned to help figure it out. Well, with all of the things we did to it, it needed a test flight and I got to go on it. It was my first flight since I have been here. Besides trying to listen for any problems or helping in the discussions, I took a ton of pictures. It was cool to see where I have been living all of these months from the air. On the maintenance side, the problem wasn't fixed but we knew which direction to go and on the next flight it was fixed. I do like troubleshooting the aircraft because you have to think outside the box to come up with a solution that fixes it that the manuals don't talk about. It sure did make this week fly by.
Now, I know I have told all of you that my 36th birthday is a week from today........and you know that I don’t expect anything for my birthday........But just to let you know, I do like receiving boxes and cards:) Not that you have to send anything other than your support and pledge to have a crevesa with me upon my return home. Take care everyone and I'll see ya next week (May 12th......My Birthday.........36 years old......hint, hint).
Monday, April 28, 2008
Working Out Is Hard To Do....
Glad to have you back checking me out. I am trying to get myself buff before I come home and this is a picture of myself doing a decline press at the little gym on the airfield. It is nice to have it there for when it gets slow at the hanger. I have been working out with SPC Hoff who aspires to be a personal trainer back home. I volunteered myself to be his test subject and I am paying for it. After one week of working out, I am so sore that getting up from a chair hurts. He calls it hell week, I just call it HELL!!!! He is a good motivator and I am doing exercises I have never done before. He is working all of my muscle groups and now I know which ones I don't use because they are the ones that are sore. After the soreness goes away, that’s when I'll start looking like Hans and Frans from SNL.....I'll be here to "Pump You Up!" So watch out because in 3 months when you see me again you might not recognize me (Unless you visit my BLOG every week because you will see the pictures....hehehe).
I also got to go to the pool again this week. It was so refreshing because it was over 100 degrees and the pool water was just right. Sarah sent me one of my swimming suits for me to wear so that I didn't have to wear my Army shorts. The pool allows us to wear normal suits so it feels a little more like normal (For a couple of hours anyway). I also have been busier at work also this week. it sure does make the time go by faster when I have work to do.
That’s it for another week here in Iraq. Now, don't forget that my birthday is only two weeks away so get your shopping done. Not that I'm expecting anything but I did get a package from my Mother-in-Law and it had 36 Salted Nut Rolls in it. One for each year I’ve been alive (Guess my age…). That was nice to get and also they didn't last very long. They are so good!!!
Take care everyone and I'll talk to you next week
Monday, April 21, 2008
Is It Fixed Yet???
I hope your week has gone well and you are going to have a good one this week. As for me, I am now on night shift. It is taking some getting used to as my sleep schedule is all screwed up now and dinner is now my breakfast. As I write this, I just got off of work and wanted to make sure that you had some fresh content first thing Monday morning before I go to bed. Also this week, I got some work down line where the aircraft parks. That is where this picture was taken. I was working on an APU (Auxiliary Power Unit) that wasn't starting. It is always a challenge to troubleshoot problems like that because of all of the variables that go into starting an engine. That is why I do like working on them, they are a challenge sometimes. What fixed this one was a faulty check valve not closing all of the way and flooding out the engine. It was a good catch and we got it up and running for the mission. So see, it isn't all fun and games here......I do work sometimes.
Also this week we have had 4 sand storms, one right after the other. There is nothing like breathing sand to get your day going. I'll put a picture of what one looked like down below. I took one picture without flash so you can see it how I see it and one with flash so you can see all of the dust in the air (Very Thick!!). All I can say is I can't wait to get home and breath non-sandy air, while drinking a beer, and kissing my wife. I do love kissing my wife.
That is it for this week. As a reminder, my birthday is the 12 of May so get your ideas ready and then act on them because I do love getting things in the mail here. The best deal in shipping is the large pre-pay one that is normally $12.95, but to send to Iraq it is only $10.95....What A Deal!!!
Everybody take care and I'll talk to you next week.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
I Miss Golf......
As I sit here watching The Masters, it makes me long for the green grass of a golf course, swinging the clubs, the smell of dew in the morning, and enjoying a nice sunny day on the course. They have set up a little driving cage in our battalion area to keep the swing loose, but I have yet to venture over there to try it out. I probably will when it gets closer to the time we get to come home. I am looking forward to playing a round when I get back home this summer, but till then I get to watch it on TV. Just thought I'd let you all know that.
The rest of the week went by quickly, which is nice!!! I got back to the pool a couple of times this week and my tan is coming along. I had some aircraft maintenance to keep me busy at work as well as helping other people get some work done. I also got a package from the wife with some goodies in it and a fun hat that you see me wearing in the picture above. It is a hot dog hat and as you can see it is quite flattering. She got it for me to wear when we have a cook out, but it is too cool to only wear then. I go around wearing it and everyone wants to touch my Weiner Hat. I just think they are all jealous of how nice and large my Weiner Hat is. They all want one but they know that I was the first to sport the Weiner Hat. I exposed it to the world!!!!!
On that note, I will bid you all farewell. Have a great week and just remember my motto........If you have a big Weiner Hat, don't be afraid to show it off.
Thank you......I'm here all week.....Try the veal........Tip your wait staff and I'll talk to ya later,
Monday, April 7, 2008
Too Cool For The Pool
Hope all is well with all of you. Things here are plugging along. Today though, I went to the pool on the East Side. I went with 3 other people and spent the afternoon there. It was a nice way to spend the day. It was the first time going to the pool, but it won't be the last that’s for sure. I played a little water basketball and got some sun before the clouds moved in. For just a minute I didn't feel like I was in Iraq, then I saw the big "T"-walls and it brought me back. Just to let you know, it was 90 degrees here today and the water felt oh so good.
Also this week I have gone to Taco Ball, The Turkish Cafe, and Green Bean Cafe. The chow hall gets kinda boring after eating there for the last 9 months so I will venture out and hit the food court by the PX. They have a Burger King, Subway, Pizza Hut, Church’s Fried Chicken, and a new Cinnabon also to chose from. They are all in little trailers and don’t resemble a fast food place at all unless you were looking for it. It is nice to have these creature comforts around to break up the day to day life. You can only look at so many "T"-walls and sand and rock before you get little stir crazy. This is why I do like being a "Fobbet" (one who lives and never leaves the FOB).
Just to let you know, I might go to the pool again before work tomorrow because I liked it so much. I hope I don't burn myself out on it, but I’ll sure in hell try to if you know what I mean. Otherwise, Everyone have a great week and keep thawing out from winter.
See Ya,
Monday, March 31, 2008
Spring Has Sprung
Yes, it’s that time of the week. Tune your BLOG's channel right here for another exciting episode of "Zirbes in the Army". This week we will talk about the new game Dan got, called Rock Band, the work done to keep the mission going, and his final thoughts. So, stay tuned......
You read it correct; I bought Rock Band for my XBOX 360. For those of you that don’t know what it is, you get a guitar controller, drum kit and microphone and you do the actions the game tells you to do to the music. It is so much FUN!!!! I am still on easy setting for now and that is tough enough. They even had a competition for prizes at the MWR for the people that are much better than me. I'll take a video of myself playing so that you get the idea. Just to let you know again......IT'S SO MUCH FUN!!!!!
This week has just flown by because of all of the work I had to do. I do like keeping busy and completing projects and I had plenty of them this week. I can't tell you much about some of them but I did have some aircraft work along with the other projects I was on. I changed out an engine on one aircraft and on another one some seals were leaking and I had to replace those also. I'm going to be the only engine guy for another week till my other guy gets back from leave so I’m on call 24 hours a day till then. They haven't had to come and get me but I have been putting in some long hours down at the hanger. I hope I can keep busy like this for a while so July comes faster than I realize.
Now as you see in the picture above, I'm wearing flamingo glasses that Sarah sent me. She said that she used them at work for a function and sent me a pair because she knows I like flamingos. That got me thinking..........maybe I could do a video with the I'm getting everyone to wear them and get their picture taken and i'll come up with the theme later. It will be so cool. That will give me something else to do to pass the time. I'll be sure to show all of you what I did when it is done. Maybe, if any of you have some goofy glasses that you would like to send me I could use them in the video. The more the merrier is what I always say.
That’s it for now........Tune in next week when Dan talks about all of the things he does on deployment in "Zirbes in the Army".
Good Night and Good Luck,
Monday, March 24, 2008
Happy Easter
I hope you all had a wonderful Easter weekend. It got to 100 degrees here on Sunday. I just can't get used to the hot temps in March. I guess I only have to deal with it for a few more months then it's back to the cozy confines of Minnesota. Otherwise, it was uneventful. Which is good if you’re in Iraq, if you ask me.
This week as been a busy one for me at the hanger. I had quite a bit of work because one of my troops is on leave and the other one is on guard duty. It sure did make the week go by fast. Also with the heat and the longer days, the bugs are coming out!! They are horrible here. There are flying ants that can get as big as an inch long, mosquitoes, and sand flies. It's ok during the day, but come dusk they are everywhere. The ants will land on your head and it is just creepy how it feels. They say that it will last till about May then it will be so hot all of the time that they die off and it will be like when we first got here. Till then, I'll be using a whole lot of bug spray.
That's it, I can't think of anything else to say. I could ramble on and drag out your reading experience, but I wouldn't do that to you all. It wouldn't be fair to have you keep reading absolutely nothing except big words I can conjure up and expound on. That's just not right of me.
Have a good week and I'll chat at ya later.
Monday, March 17, 2008
The Lawnmower Coin!!!
I hope that you all get to drink some green beer and have a good time tonight. Me, I plan on playing poker in our "Pot O' Pogs" tourney tonight. Speaking of things green, I am going to tell you the story of the "SPC Chris Rogers Lawnmower Coin". In the picture above, that is the coin I am holding up with Gabe next to me with his. This coin is a very special coin to those that get to receive it. You get one for being able to "Cut" through all of the "Grass" that is the Army. I will have the induction video included to this post so that you may understand how special this coin is. We had this coin made here in Iraq and there are only 50 of them to hand out. All of them are numbered and as you will see in the video, they are hard to get. The next time you see me, I will gladly explain to you how I earned mine because I don’t want to brag about my greatness here on my BLOG. Let's just say that I wouldn't trade this coin for anything, it means too much to me.
Now I don't know if I told you all, but we only have about 4 months left before we get to come home and be with the ones we love. There is already talk about what to do with our equipment and stuff when we come home. It is very encouraging to here talk like that. As I look back over the past 7 1/2 months, I come to realize all of the things we have done here. All of the missions the flight companies have gone on. All of the maintenance we have performed on the aircraft. We have our slow days and we have our busy days, but all-in-all I have to say the time has gone by fast and we have done our mission well. I am proud to be here and of the work we have done to this point, but I still can't wait to get home and be in the arms of my wife.
That’s it for now. Again, have a Happy St. Patrick’s Day and also a Happy Easter next week. Don't have too many Easter eggs next week either, that could be worse than a hangover. Take care and I'll talk to you later.
Monday, March 10, 2008
This One Time, On Camp Anaconda......
I hope everyone had a good week last week. As for myself, I had guard duty all week. 24 hours on duty, 24 hours off duty for 8 days. It was a nice change from my normal duties. I got to sit in a guard tower in 4 hour increments during my duty day. By the end of the day, I was so tired I could barely keep my eyes open enough to chat with Sarah for a couple of minutes before I fell asleep. I was a good experience though, and I'm glad I got to do it. Also last week, I put a poll on here to see what look everybody liked me in the most. The resounding winner was "Hair & No Mustache". I have to say, I was rooting for that one. Now in the future, keep your eyes to the right of this page for more exciting polls that I will come up with. You just never know what I will ask your opinion on.
Another thing that is happening is Matt, Sarah's cousin, is leaving for Korea for a little over a year for his first duty station. Matt joined the army last summer and has now completed all of his training and is ready to serve. I am so proud of Matt and his decision to join the Army. Now, not only is he family, but also my brother-in-arms. Have a good time at home Matt before you leave, and I look forward to seeing you after my deployment is done. HOOAH!!!!!!
Now, I do want to say thank you all for the great care packages I have been getting. My Mother-in-Law sent me a package with treats and some bike accessories, like a set of dice to hang from my basket. I just LOVE them!!! Jill sent me coffee and some DVDs (By the way, I liked the Eric Estrada DVD the best). Wendy Pettus also sent a whole bunch of DVDs that I shared with everyone in the platoon. I did snag up the copy of Hudson Hawk though (One of my favorite cheesy movies). Also the Shea family sent a bunch of Easter goodies that I shared with everyone. In that one I did keep the Whoppers Eggs (I need something to snack on at poker night). Last but not least is the one from "Scottie To Hottie" and Cindy. They sent a bunch of stuff for my bike, treats, and other items like a autographed picture of Jerry Rice (TY Scott). So I say again, Thank You all for your support.
Now, be sure to check out the picture of my bike I posted down below so you can see all of the neat additions to it. Peewee Herman has nothing on this bike. The other picture is from the Turkish Cafe here when Jesse and I went for lunch last week.
Everyone have a great week and I'll talk to you later.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
The End Of The Stache......
This is it, kaput, finished, no more mustache! I don't know how some guys have one all of the time. It drove me crazy having it. I would bite my upper lip and play with my whiskers and it itched all of the time. Now I’m back to my clean shaven self. It was fun though to see everyone that grew one during the month. Some guys look natural with one and then there was me. Of my last photos with the stache, I decided to do it right. I shaved my head and tried to dress like your 3rd grade gym teacher. Since I didn't have the tube socks, my green socks had to do. I got ready to do a proper push up and had my picture taken. Don't I look mean? Tough? Rough? Maybe not, but it was fun to take the pictures. I'll put the other ones I took down below so you can get your fill of the last day of my mustache.
Now that I'm back to normal, except that I'm bald, we are trying to think of the next thing to do to occupy our time. I tried to have everybody shave their head, but they wouldn’t go for that. I'm sure we will come up with something and I'll be sure to let you all know what it is. For now, SGT Pool is working on a slide show with all of the pictures we took with the mustaches. So far it looks really funny. I'll get that to all of you when that is completed also.
This week I have another duty going on so my day off is today and not Monday like normal. That is why I am updating early, if you were wondering. This new duty is a nice change of pace from the norm. You all know how that is. You get in a rut, so anything new is nice to see. After I'm done with it I should be able to give a couple of more details, but till then I have to be vague about it. Because, if I told you I'd have to kill you and we don't want that to happen, right?
Because I had today off, Jesse and I went over to the East side of the post. We checked out the PX, the Iraqi Bazaar for some movies, and then over to the Turkish Bazaar to look at trinkets. It's like going to an organized Mexican Bazaar with overpriced stuff. You really have to haggle with them to get them down in price. I do like haggling!!!! I didn't get anything this time, but I do have my eye on a couple of items. I have them right where I want them for the next time I go. Don't worry Sarah, I'll be sure to get something for you.
That's it for now. Have a wonderful week everyone and I'll talk to you all next week at my normal time.
See Ya,
Monday, February 25, 2008
I Got A New Jacket
Glad to have you back to read my little BLOG I have here. Now go ahead and sit back, have a sip of your coffee or beer (depending on what time of day of course), and soak in the silky smooth styling’s of..............SGT Zirbes and his new lamb skin jacket.
It is so buttery smooth and soft and it is custom tailored to my fitting, thanks for asking. I love it so much that I am wearing right now as I type this because I know I'll have to send it home to wear in the fall and I don't want to take it off.
You see, there is a leather shop here on post and I just happened to stop in one day to smell the leather (Don't all of you just love that smell). After talking to the salesman/tailor he brought me in back to show me a new shipment of lambs skin he got in. Once I laid my hands on that leather, I was hooked. When I told Sarah that I wanted to have a jacket made, I think she thought I was crazy. You see, you have to have a little background on this. I have a jacket fetish. I love jackets like my wife likes shoes. I have all types of jackets for all occasions, except for dress casual. My long leather jacket is too dressy and my journeyman leather jacket is too casual so when I saw this style, I knew that I had to have it. Now you can see the finished product. Doesn't it look nice? Just imagine me with a button down shirt on and without the mustache (4 more days and it is out of here). I can't wait to wear it next fall back home. By the way, the guy next to me is Gabe. He bought a jacket also made out of camel hide. He rides motorcycles and wanted a nice leather jacket to go riding in and he fell in love with that one. His is a nice jacket also but, I like mine just a little more. So I'll wear it tonight during poker and then into a box to send home to wait for me. Take good care of it while I'm gone honey.
Otherwise, life here is going ok. It rained here again today, so that sucks. earlier in the week we had a dust storm that was not so good. I will put a picture or two down below so that you can see how orange the sky got during the dust storm. It was so thick that it was hard to breath during it. I guess that there are more of them to come this spring. I'm so looking forward to Other than that I'm just "Keeping it real", as one of the guys in my shop says. Not quite sure what that is supposed to mean but I guess I’m keeping it as real as it gets here in Iraq.
That’s all for now. I hope you all enjoyed the entry this week. If you do have any complaints about what you have just read, you can call the BLOG hotline at 1-800-THISBLOGSUCKS and report me. I do try my best, but if you feel you have to call, please be kind in your ripping on me. I'm sensitive you know. I cry easy and I don’t want to get my new jacket wet.
Take care and I'll have more for you next week
Monday, February 18, 2008
At The Y.M.C.A.
I have found my calling, the 7th member of the Village People -Army Man! One of the other things this mustache is good for.......joining a 70's disco band. I couldn't resist taking this picture. I was helping hang blades on an aircraft and somebody started singing Y.M.C.A. because all of us had mustaches and hard hats on. It was too funny. So, the next time you hear that song at a wedding or karaoke night, think of me in this picture. I live the song.........Young man, Are you listening to me I said, young man, what did you want to be............In the A.R.M.Y.
Otherwise, things here are going OK. It rained again about 4 days ago. This time it is almost dry in 4 days because the ground is not as frozen so it has some place to go. I'll put a picture of the "Walk to the bathroom" in the rain. It is definitely an adventure. Also, I have been working out more and I have found a new device to hate. It is the elliptical machine!!!! This machine needs to go back to hell where it came from. My calves are so sore that it hurts to walk. People tell me that it gets better, but it hasn't. But I keep doing it because I want to look good for Sarah when I come back home. So Sarah, this is all your fault.......JK.....Love You......XOXOXO.
That's it for now. Have a good week and I'll talk to you all later.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Mustache February
Yes it's me, your 3rd grade gym teacher. Now don't tell me that if I put on the "Tight" shorts and tube socks with the stripes on the top I don't look like your gym teacher? Or maybe if I had a mullet and a "Wife Beater" tank on with my molester mustache, I'd go back in time to 1985 and have a S-10 truck and dice hanging from the mirror. That’s right, you guessed it, It's MUSTACHE FEBRUARY!!!!!! Everyone in my platoon and most of the rest of the company are growing them for the month. I tell you, we all look so bad. If you know me at all, you know I don't do facial hair because I know how bad I look with it. In the team spirit of things, I'm doing it. Some of the guys can grow one in less than a week, it took me about 10 days to get to this. It is in the itchy phase now so I can't keep my fingers off of it right now. It itches so badly!!!! By the end of the month we are going to get everyone together and take a picture. I'm going to let it get so bushy that it will tickle my nose by the end of the month. Then I can shave it off and be done with it forever (I know that will make you happy Sarah). Till then I will update you on the growth process every week as well as pictures. Remember, it is only for one month so you only have to see a few pictures this way.......LOL!!!
In other news, the weather is starting to warm up again. It is in the 70's for highs and it will only get hotter. At least the rainy season is almost over because at least the heat doesn't create mud. Also it means that I'm that much closer to coming home. Work is the same and as every Monday night, it’s poker night. Tonight’s theme is "Love Your Stud" stud poker tourney. With Valentine’s Day fast approaching we thought we would celebrate early. Now I hope all of you guys out there remembered to get the woman in your life a nice Valentines gift. Now that doesn't leave you ladies off the hook, guys like things also. Just not flowers, Chocolate will do and also your company to help eat it. With Sarah, it will be via the web cam with coffee and the Reeses that she sent me. It's not the same as being there but, it will have to do for this year. I'll make it up to you on our anniversary, Sarah.
That’s it for this week!!!! Be sure to tune in next week when we will see our hero's mustache grow to infinite proportions. It will be the mustache that takes over Iraq!!!!!!!
See Ya!
Monday, February 4, 2008
My Transportation
I hope everyone had a good Groundhogs Day and enjoyed watching the Super Bowl Last Night. What a game!! It was on at 2 in the morning here, so I didn't get to bed till 6:30 in the morning but, it was worth it. One thing I did miss is the commercials. AFN is a non-profit so they couldn't play the commercials during the game. I asked Sarah, who asked Robin to record them for me and then send me the DVD. I can't wait till I get to see them. I know, I know, I can see them online but, my connection is kinda slow so watching video online is like watching paint dry. You see a couple of seconds and then it has to load more, then a couple of more seconds......It's just annoying. So on that note I just have to say........GO GIANTS!!!!!!!!
Now I know that a lot of you have fancy vehicles and you are proud of them. Well, so am I of mine. Sarah wanted to see my bike that I ride everyday to and from work. You see, I have "Tricked" it out and added some fun things to make it me. First off, I added a basket in the front to be able to carry things to and from work like the great care packages you all send me. I could have stopped there, but I continued on. Next came the tassels on my handle bars. Stan and I were walking thru the PX and saw them calling to us to buy them and add them to our bikes. Mine are purple and pink with purple stars on the handle area.........CLASSY!!! Now I know you are thinking, what else could he do to this awesome bike? I added a bell and some lights to the spokes of the tires that light up when you ride! Now everyone knows who is riding down the flight line. You can see my bike from far far away. Now, I'm going to put it back on all of you. If you feel that my bike needs more "Fun" stuff added to it, send it to me and I will continue to make my bike the coolest bike in town. You see, the reason I started to do things like this to it was to add some humor into the doldrums of day-to-day life around here. I get all sorts of looks and comments, and I love it. When I go by the guard shack, most of them yell out "Nice Tassels". You can’t pay enough for that kind of publicity. me make my bike so cool that I just might have to bring it back with me and tour the twin cities with it.
That’s it for now. Again, I can't thank you all enough for your support, letters, and care packages. Like the one I received from Debbie Vogt yesterday filled with the best beef jerky any of us have had. It is from Big John's Beef Jerky and it is quite tasty......Thank you Debbie. Take care everyone and I'll talk back at you next week.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Building A Better Iraq
I am your host Dan "The, I shouldn't have tools man" Zirbes. If you know me you know that I am not a carpenter by any means but, I found myself building things this week for our new shop. The hanger was re-wired while I was on leave and we can move back into it now. As you see in the picture behind me, we are still in the framing stages of our new shop but I decided to build a work bench for it. I measured, cut, and assembled it all by myself and it was level........AMAZING!!!!! If you know me at all you know this is well out of my realm of expertise. I don't build things but, I thought I'd give it a shot and it turned out ok. So I then proceeded to make shelves for a pantry and close it off with a door and that turned out ok also. Maybe I missed my calling.......NOT! It is kinda fun to do though on a very part time bases.
Besides the building, not too much has happened this week. It did rain twice this week and turned this place into a mud pit again. It takes a week to dry out and make it ok to walk around without getting mud all over your boots wherever you go. Till then Jesse and I keep a chair by the door to remove our boots so we don’t get mud all over the room. Also, we have our "Path" we walk to and from the bathrooms so that we avoid as much mud as possible. It is kinda fun watching everybody hopping over puddles just to get to the bathroom. I do miss indoor plumbing for that reason. Maybe I should build myself a bathroom in my room? Naaa…..Not only would it look like crap, it would smell like it also.
On that note, I will sign out now, fade to black and leave you wanting more. So, till next week...........Stay Classy!!!
Monday, January 21, 2008
I Have A Dream.......
As I sit here and write this BLOG I sez to myself, self (That’s what I call myself when I'm alone) what do you dream about? Lately, I dream of home because I was just there with my beautiful wife for 15 great days. Also, I guess I screamed in my sleep thinking I was getting bitten by a shark and woke up my roommate in the process. It's not quite the same dream Dr King had but at least I do dream.
Now to the real world.........This week I was able to get back into my routine. Sleep, work, drink lots of coffee, and going to the chow hall. I did make it over to the East side of the FOB a couple of times this week. The first time, I went to a Turkish Cafe to have lunch with a couple of friends. It is a nice change of pace from the chow hall and it feels like you are n a real cafe for a little bit. The second time was today to go to the Iraqi Bazaar. They sell movies, TV show sets, and electronic equipment for pretty good prices (Don't worry Sarah, I didn't buy anything today. I just looked.) It is always like a little adventure to go over to the other side of the FOB from time to time.
I do want to say thank you to Wendy Pettus and the Shea family for the care packages I have received this past week. The Guys in my platoon see me get the boxes and they hover as I open them to see what goodies are inside. The other platoons are coming into our shop because they know the people that send us items send the "Good Stuff". So, thank you for your support and do know that all of the items are very welcome.
That’s it for this week, there isn't any more. You can stop reading now, the post is done. It’s like watching the credits at the end of the movie, nobody does. Have a great week and I'll talk more nonsense next week.
Monday, January 14, 2008
I'm Back!!!!!
Hello Campers,
Well, my leave is over and I have to say that it went by too fast. Sarah and I had a ball in Mexico and also being with the family and friends. I wish I could have seen everyone but time is kind of limited and Sarah comes first. She was able to take the entire time off from work so we could be together the whole time. We went to all of our favorite restaurants and places to hang out. It was like I had never left. I know that Sarah will carry on in my absence like she has already before my leave. She has been doing so great while I've been gone. It was sad when I left but Sarah was strong and we kept saying "Only 6 more months to go". The first 6 went by quick so I expect the same for the last 6. If you want to see the pictures from my leave you can visit my Facebook page under my name.
Things are getting back to normal here in Iraq. Poker night was tonight and it is always good to hang with the guys for a night of cards. As you see in the picture I am showing a straight flush. I did this because it will be the only time in my life I will have one and I had to stage it for a picture. Well, the sun may shine on me sometime in my life to get one but as of yet it hasn't happened. Luck was not on my side tonight but there is always next week.
It is also still wet around here from when it snowed on Friday. I just missed seeing the snow but I did get to see the aftermath. The whole post was like a mud pit. Today was the first day I didn't have to scrape mud off my boots before going into my room. I hope the rainy season ends soon so we don't have to worry about the mud any more. Oh well, its like they say "War is Hell". Who knew that hell has tons of mud also.
I've rambled on enough for one post. I hope everyone had a great holiday season and I will talk to you all again next week.