Friday, April 27, 2007

Weapons Training

Welcome to my second week here in lovely Fort Sill, OK. Today we started our weapons training and familiarization. I will be on the range firing weapons on Monday after the classes we have to go through. As you see in the picture, we have to wear our helmet, IBA (Interceptor Body Armor), and our weapon everywhere we go for the next week. This stuff is HEAVY!!!! It could be worse, we have the ballistic plates out of the vest. They add another 20lb to the vest. After we go to the range, I will post the pictures of our night fire and other things we get to do with our weapons.

On a personal note, life is settling down here. I'm not buying as much stuff at the PX and that makes Sarah happy. I get to web cam with Sarah almost every night and my space I sleep in is becoming more cramped as they keep giving us more stuff. All in all the training is good and I do get personal time to do things like this, so that is nice.

Everyone have a good weekend and remember my birthday is coming up on the 12th, so just send money!!!(JK)

Thanks for visiting,

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Combat Lifesaver Course

Hello again, it's me.

The past 2 days have been all classroom time learning how to be a combat lifesaver. Now I'm not talking about handing out mints to everyone in combat, I'm talking about what to do when you come upon a casualty on the battlefield. Yesterday we practiced how to give an IV to someone. I got to administer one and also be the pin cushion for one as you see in the picture. It was a great learning experience and I hope I never have to put these skills to use if you know what I mean. I'll be done with this class on Thursday and then off to weapons classes and the range. I will keep you all posted on how that goes. Well, I'm off to bed early tonight because I am going to do PT tomorrow morning at 5am. I've got to keep in shape for Sarah you know (I am bringing sexy back).

I'll talk to you all later


Monday, April 23, 2007

The Beat Goes On

This weekend was a busy one but I was refreshed on a lot of tasks I haven't done in a while. On Saturday we did whats called AWT or Army Warrior Training. This is something every solder needs to know and understand. I took all day and I was very tired after all of the classes and carrying all of my stuff. As you see in the picture I am simulating a head injury. I know, I know, you all knew I had one all ready but, that one can't be fixed. All in all it was a useful day of hands on and knowledge.

On Sunday, I took my PT (Physical Training for you non-Army types) Test and passed with flying colors. I was the best I have done in a long time. We get to take another one in 2 weeks so I will Keep training and getting better. I am down to 205lb now and that is amazing with all of the food they have us eat. It seams like I eat all of the time but, I am more active and caring more "stuff" everywhere.

Its time for me to sign out and let you all get on with your own lives. Remember, if you want to contact me directly, just e-mail me at

Talk to you all later,

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Land Nav

Today we did our land navigation by foot and in a vehicle. It was a great workout because we had to traverse over 2 mountains and over 5 miles of walking. As you see in the picture I was with 4 other people in my group. we made good time and had fun doing it. My PT test was moved to Sunday now so it give me one more day of prepping for it. I'm sure I will do well and I will also try to help other people to pass it. Friday is paperwork day. We get to re-check our files and make sure we have it all in order and if there were changes to it we can do that tomorrow. Well, I'm off to get my hair cut, I'll show you my new style in another post. Have a great weekend and I'll talk to you all later.


Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Deployment Day

My First Week at Sill

Well, here it is, my first BLOG.

I am in Fort Sill, OK doing my deployment training. This past week we set up our shops in the hanger here for us to work in when we get to our "Blue" phase in May. We also started in-prossesing and getting our paperwork all in order. Tommarow we start the "Green" phase. We will have classes on army radios, land navagation, combat lifesaving, convoys, and other army solider skill tasks. It will be alot for us to take in in just 1 1/2 months but im up for the challenge. Our first PT (Physical Training) test is on Saturday. They have set the bar high but im sure i can pass it. For the ones that don't, they get to do PT twice a day. That would SUCK!

This is just the start. I will try to make entrys as often as I can to keep everyone up to speed.

One last thing, I have been asked how the living is and I can say it is cramped but it could be worse. I will post some pictures of what it looks like around here so you all get a feel for the joint.

Talk to you all later,